
Current Customers

CPI Technologies > Current Customers

For returning customers:

  • Meters: We thank you for choosing CPI Technologies’ Service Contract and taking the time to send in your meter reading. We can complete automated meter readings and can save you time and money with your fleet of MFPs, printers, and copiers. Contact CPI Technologies today about FM Audit.
  • Service: CPI Technologies’ service department provides customers the total package in office equipment repair. On average, our technical staff has over 20 years of experience in troubleshooting and repairing all makes and models. In most cases, our prompt and courteous staff will address a service call within that same business day.
  • Supplies: We have supplies for all your office needs: Printer toner/ cartridges for all brands, labels for label printers, staples, duplicator ink and more. CPI Technologies is your one stop for all office equipment supply needs.